Lambertville's Trusted Pharmacy & Wellness Center
Our Pharmacy
A Unique Approach
In addtition to filling traditional prescriptions, we also offer a variety of specialty services, including compounded bio-identical hormones (cBHT), custom veterinary & pediatric medications & flavors, and a variety of other novel approaches to restoring the health and wellness of your entire family.
We care about the well-being of each patient who walks through our doors. That’s why we’ve dedicated so much time to stocking a wide range of pharmaceutical-grade vitamins & nutritional supplements.

Bio-Identical Hormones
Truly Customized Medicine
We compound bio-identical hormones to the exact standards requested by your prescriber. We work with doctors, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners to get you the right dose of the right hormones to meet your individual needs and treat your individual symptoms.
Don't have a provider to order bio-identical hormones? No problem. Simply contact us, and we can refer you to providers in the area. We can even set up a confidential consultation with our consulting pharmacist, who can recommend a customized hormone regimen to your family doctor or OB/GYN.